Protective coatings resistant to high levels of corrosion
Our polyester-based highly corrosion-resistant OBRIT coating is the ideal choice in the area of water protection, where high demands are placed on environmental protection. The coating is applied as a protective layer on cementitious surfaces. It is resistant to leaking water-polluting liquids and therefore preventing the liquid from penetrating into the concrete, diverting the subsequent risk of damage to the substrate.
- polyester base
- protection against corrosion
- maximum resistance to chemicals
- smooth, non-porous and seamless
- very good mechanical and thermal resistance
- easy to clean
- smooth or non-slip
- glass fibre reinforced
- bridges cracks
Areas of use:
- Chemical storage facilities
- CIP rooms
- Water treatment plants
- Collection trays
- Storage of poisons
- Extinguishing water tanks
- Heating oil installations

